Rabbi Yehuda haNasi the author and the Mishnah seal - רבי יהודה הנשיא המחבר וחותם משנה

Rabbi Yehuda haNasi the author and the Mishnah seal - רבי יהודה הנשיא המחבר וחותם משנה

Rabbi Yehuda haNasi - רבי יהודה הנשיא of also known and remembered in the Mishnah and Talmud as Rabbi or Rabbenu Hakadosh ("our saintly teacher") - the seal of the period of the conditions and the order of the Mishnah. Born in 135 and died in 220 CE. Rabbi Yehuda, the son of Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel II (D`yavneh - of Yavneh יבנה) - not to be confused with Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel haZakhen (Elder), received the tradition from his father, Rabbi Elazar ben Shemua - אלעזר בן שמוע. We will also mention that he himself and of course his father and grandparents from the Hillel haZakhen  - הלל הזקן dynasty. In the picture of the title of the article, there is a rich mosaic of the zodiac that was excavated in the excavations of an archeological site of the ancient Jewish settlement of Tzipori - צפורי. A mosaic itself from the time of Rabbi Yehuda haNasi and today is restored and preserved in its original place.

Rabbenu Hakadosh composed the Mishnah. From the days of Moses, our teacher, until Rabbenu Hakadosh, no one had composed a text for the purpose of teaching the Oral Law - תורה שבעל פה in public. Instead, in each generation, the head of the court or the prophet of that generation would take notes of the teachings which he received from his masters for himself, and teach them verbally in public. Similarly, according to his own potential, each individual would write notes for himself of what he heard regarding the explanation of the Torah, its laws, and the new concepts that were deduced in each generation concerning laws that were not communicated by the oral tradition, but rather deduced using one of the thirteen principles of Biblical exegesis and accepted by the high court.

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