What is the opinion in the Mishnah, Gemara and commentary on mourning customs in the days of the counting of the Omer

What is the opinion in the Mishnah, Gemara and commentary on mourning customs in the days of the counting of the Omer

In the sages' literature, there is no mention of prohibitions or special customs practiced on the days of mourning.
This, the uniqueness of the days between Pesach and the assembly is mentioned by Sages in several contexts. This matter is mentioned
Already in the Mishnah: "The trial of the wicked in hell for twelve months ... Rabbi Yochanan ben Nuri says: From Pesach
But Rabbi Yochanan ben Nuri is not 3 until the assembly, which is said "and every Shabbat on Shabbat" (Isaiah 6:22).
Explained the uniqueness of these days, in which the wicked are condemned to hell and even those who have died.
It has been many months before. In the Babylonian Talmud, it is narrated: "Twelve thousand pairs of disciples
Rabbi Akiva had a towel to Antipers, and they all died in one episode because they did not respect each other ... Tanna: Everyone died from Pesach to Atzeret "(Yavmot),
In the discussions of medieval sages about mourning. The story of the death of
Rabbi Akiva's disciples also appear in the Midrashim of Aggadah Eretz Yisrael (Bereishit Rabba and Kahalat Rabba),
A third mention the uniqueness of the 5 days but in Bereshit Rabbah, it is not mentioned that they died between Pesach and Atzeret.
Between Pesach and Atzeret, on which the future of the grain of the field depends, is found in the Midrash Vayikra Rabba
(And its equivalents): (Jeremiah 5: 25) - He will save us from the bush, he will save.

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